Increase of Number of MPs Proposed
Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 18 Mar.'08 / 18:36

The recently created Christian-Democratic Party, led by former Imedi TV journalist Giorgi Targamadze, proposed on March 18 to resolve the current impasse over the majoritarian MP election rule by increasing the number of lawmakers in the new parliament from 150 to 175.

Speaking at a news conference on March 18, Targamadze said that the number of lawmakers elected through the proportional, party-based system should be increased from the current constitutionally mandated 75 to 100, while the number of majoritarian MPs should remain at 75.

The proposal was in fact originally put forward by the ruling party. Davit Gamkrelidze, the New Rights Party leader, said on March 10 that Nino Burjanadze, the parliamentary chairperson, had proposed it. Burjanadze later confirmed making the offer.

The proposal, however, is at odds with a 2003 referendum in which voters said they wanted to decrease the number of lawmakers from 235 to 150.

MP Davit Kirkitadze of the ruling party said on March 18 that his party was ready to consider the Christian Democratic proposal. Opposition reaction, however, has been mixed, with the Republican Party, which itself earlier made a proposal on majoritarian MPs, denouncing the proposal, while MP Mamuka Katsitadze of the New Rights Party said it was worth considering. The New Rights’ response comes as a surprise, given their party leader’s rejection of the same proposal made by the parliamentary chairperson a week ago.

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