In a written statement on Thursday morning PM Irakli Garibashvili “condemned” nailing of pig’s head to the door of yet to be opened Muslim school in the town of Kobuleti in Adjara region on September 10 as “provocation” and “attempt of religious intolerance and confrontation on religious grounds.” “The state will not allow and will always counter” such attempts, he said in the statement. “Insulting religious feelings is utterly unacceptable to everyone, including to Orthodox Christians,” reads the statement, adding that Georgia “has always been known for its tolerance” and various religious groups have always co-existed peacefully in Georgia in mutual respect. “This provocation plays into hands of only those who want to create picture of destabilization in Georgia, those who want to incite religious confrontation within our population. I call on the law enforcement agencies to promptly investigate the incident and hold appropriately responsible everyone involved in this provocation,” the PM said. “I want everyone to know that the Georgian authorities will not allow religious confrontation and destabilization in the country.” “I want to reassure the Muslim community that we will spare no effort to defend their interests. Culprits will be punished to the fullest extent of the law,” reads the statement. |
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