The Patarkatsishvili family said in a statement on May 29 that the Tbilisi City Court had “secretly” and “without any legal ground” ruled in favor of the late tycoons distant relative, Joseph Kay, who claims having power of attorney to manage Patarkatsishvili’s assets in accordance with the late tycoon’s will.
The Tbilisi City Court ruling dated with May 14 bans Patarkatsishvili’s widow, Ina Gudavadze; the later tycoon’s daughter Liana Zhmotova and his sister Ia Patarkatsishvili from taking any actions to claim the late tycoon’s property.
The ruling also gives the right to Joseph Kay to take any action he deems necessary to collect and ménage all of Patarkatsishvili’s assets and properties in Georgia.
The Patarkatsishvili’s family filed a lawsuit against Joseph Kay, a U.S. citizen, at New York Southern District Court on April 4 accusing the late tycoon’s relative of fraud through which he claimed power of attorney over Patarkatsishvili’s property.
The Patarkatsishvili’s family said in the written statement released on May 29 that Kay somehow managed to convince “under the suspicious circumstances” only the Georgian court to give him right to control the Patarkatsishvili’s assets.