Irakli Chikovani, a former director general of Rustavi 2 TV station, as expected filled remaining one vacant seat in the Georgian National Communications Commission (GNCC) after the Parliament approved his nomination on June 12.
Chikovani is also a former co-owner of Rustavi 2 TV on whom 30% of the television station’s shares were registered from November, 2008 to early May, 2009.
As a result of this most recent change in ownership of the Georgia’s one of major national television stations, a company with the name Degson Limited became owner of 70% of shares with rest of 30% remaining in ownership of Georgian Industrial Group. Before these recent changes, an off-shore based mysterious firm GeoMedia Group owned 40% of shares.
GNCC has yet to respond on Civil.Ge’s request to unveil details available at the commission about Degson Limited. GNCC spokesperson said on Friday that the commission would be able to respond to the request on June 15, when acting chairperson of GNCC, Sophio Britanchuk, returns from business trip.